How to Be a Seeker of Everyday Magic - with TranSe
I was left in a "TranSe" one Saturday night, when a magician guessed a special name I was thinking of. As much as I love a little Razzle Dazzle, the tricks were not particularly the thing I was most fascinated by. TranSe, a magician of 7 years was born and raised in California and he told me that "Magic brings us back to being a kid again. It's that thing that makes us forget about what's going on in the world, just for a moment."
If moments are all we have, why don't we fill them with more everyday magic? Magic doesn't always lie in the palms of a stranger on stage. 'Magic' is someone lending a shoulder to help carry the burden or who offers a tissue for a tear. Magic is found in love, laughter, friendship, small good deeds and even following though on an inspiring thought. It's also passion, ambition and thoughtfulness. This got me thinking about three "P's" and how to apply them to our lives.
1) Be Pro-Active:
Set daily, monthly and yearly goals and stay disciplined. Follow through with your exciting idea. You can adapt or improve it later.
2) Be Personable
- Do something kind or selfless everyday.
3) Be Positive and Patient
- The Law Of Attraction states, Thoughts Become Things. The more positive thoughts you have, the more positive rewards you will receive. Most people don't end up achieving their goals due to a lack of patience.
TranSe combines magic and art to cope with everyday struggles. He also draws and creates his own characterized themed playing cards. Each card representing someone from his past or present or an emotion he relates to. All of his hearts are broken. Maybe from past pain or from bursting open because of all the good in his life. Hopefully in time, those hearts will be sewn closed and remain full of hope from everyday magic received from people just like you who are reading this blog.
B - Favourite well known trick?
T - 'Instant Knock Out'
And in his back pocket, he keeps his own self-invented trick which is called 'POV.' You'll have to see his show to know what this is... It's all about the mystery.
Be your own magician and make your dreams and goals appear. Enchant others with your good spirits!
We could always use an escape from the harsh realities of life and whether it's trickery or sorcery the world could always use a little more Magic...
Fore more on 'Transe' visit his instagram here.